
Dating Tips from The Millionaire Matchmaker

As many know, there’s no messing with Patti Stanger, better known as The Millionaire Matchmaker on the Bravo hit. Commitment phobic? Mama’s boy? Cheap (God forbid)? Whatever you are, Stanger’s got your number and some killer advice to get you on track and help you land the date of your dreams. With the launch of her latest web endeavor, psxoxo.com, a dating site for the non-millionaire (i.e. college students), we sat down with the ball-busting love doctor herself to get some of her best dating tips for campus life.

Wealthy Dating
SNMag: What are some do’s?
PS: Do’s are to make a reservation at a restaurant. I don’t care how poor you are, you can always go to a restaurant like the Olive Garden if you’re a college student. And be respectful. Open the car door, open the door to the restaurant, make sure her Coke is refreshed and just be attentive. Old-fashioned manners go a long way, and they’re free.

SNMag: Where can a college student meet a potential girlfriend or boyfriend?
PS: I went to the University of Miami, and it was a playground. I utilized the campus, I went to the bars and, at the same time, I got involved in the film community because I was a film major. I wasn’t doing it to meet guys, I was following my passions. College is a time that’s not just about getting wasted and having naked parties, it’s about getting connected.

SNMag: In college there’s obviously a lot of hooking up…
PS: I do not believe in hooking up in the dorms. If he calls you at 11 p.m. and is like, “Hey, let’s watch Losttogether,” it’s bullshit.

SNMag: And there’s no way to turn a hookup into a relationship?
PS: No, you can’t. What you can do is say, “Hey, I’m free for breakfast tomorrow morning."

Wealthy Match

SNMag: What do you mean when you say, “The penis does the picking?”
PS: The guy’s penis holds the brain, and it decides based on physical chemistry who he’s going to go with. It doesn’t matter if you’re a nice girl from a good home, if he’s not sexually attracted, he’s not walking off the curb to meet you.

 What is the picker looking for the most?
PS: I think a guy is looking for someone he’s physically attracted to and then after that, he’s qualifying his buyer and looking under the hood of the car to see if the girl will make a great girlfriend.

: What’s a good way for a girl to sexify her look?
PS: Sexifying your look on campus is easy. The problem is when it’s winter, you’re all bundled up. Wear v-neck sweaters, tuck your skinny jeans into boots, make sure your hair is pretty and put some lip gloss on.

SNMag: What’s the best way for a guy to ask a girl out?
PS: ASK HER OUT! The lines don’t work on us anymore. Be yourself and be authentic.

Wealthy Match
SNMag: What are some great date ideas for a college budget?
PS: Bowling. Movies are great after you’ve done like two dates and you’re running out of steam, it’s not a good first date. Miniature golf, hiking in the woods, going to the beach – nature is great. Your brain absorbs oxygen twice as fast, and it makes you think you’re in love. If you want to throw nature in, go for it… maybe not on the first date because then they will think you’re cheap.

SNMag: What do you do if you’re dating a mama’s boy?
PS: A mama’s boy cannot be broken. Unless you’re a mama’s girl, you’re not going to appreciate it so get rid of him.

SNMag: What do you do if you’re dating a guy who is hot but not very driven?
PS: Ambition is a deal breaker. If you get dry downstairs because you feel
like you are dating your son who you have to take care of, you have to get out.

SNMag: What are some other deal breakers?
PS: Deal breakers are guys who want to sleep with you on the first date and don’t want to find out who you are as a person. It’s all about your welfare. Men want to protect and provide for you. And being cheap. Girls should never put their hand into their wallets. Bake him cookies, make him dinner, help him with his term paper, but never pay cash-wise until you’re exclusive.

SNMag: You tell your millionaires not to have sex on the first date. When is it allowed?
PS: When you’re monogamous. Women need to feel uninhibited and in order to feel that way, they need to feel safe. If you don’t know someone, and you don’t feel safe, you can’t relax.

SNMag: You used the term “spinner” on your show. What exactly is a “spinner?”
PS: A short little girl who you spin like a dial.

